About Me


Miloslav Storoška, Očová, Slovakia


 Terms of Use

Všetky fotografie na www.skywings.sk a www.aerowings.sk sú mojim dielom. Prosím Vás o dodržiavanie autorských práv. V prípade záujmu o fotografie vo väčšom rozlíšení ma prosím kontaktujte e-mailom.

All photos on the sites www.skywings.sk and www.aerowings.sk are protected by international copyright laws.

You have limited rights to personally view the images with your web browser and to use them as your personal computer wallpaper  on your own computer. These photos may not otherwise be reproduced, distributed, cropped, resized, or  altered without the written permission of me.   To recieve the permission, send me an Email.

The use on non-commercial homepages will be free of charge, but you will have to  ask for it before of the use.

All my photos are also available for commercial use in a higher resolution than published here. Please contact me for more details.


Aircraft Design: A Systems Engineering Approach (Aerospace Series) by Mohammad H. Sadraey

Aeromedia Praha – Aerohobby 1/2013  “Motorový větroň STEMME S 10 ” by Adam Michalko

Aeromedia Praha – Aerohobby 5/2013  “Július Huliak ” by Juraj Uhliar

Aeromedia Praha – Aerohobby 6/2012  “Kapitán Biff a jeho Staggerwing” by Adam Michalko

Bücker-Museum Rangsdorf e.V – Bücker-Kalender 2013

Elementbuch Verlag, Inhaber Harald Kälberer – Oldtimer planes and Warbirds calendar 2012

Elementbuch Verlag, Inhaber Harald Kälberer – Airshow calendar 2012